Counting the months
So it's now early June. I have roughly 16 (maybe 17) months left working for Kentucky. So you say, "Mystery person, is that all you think about?" Why, yes, yes it is. Mostly anyway. I have went through my bills and income repeatedly. I should be able to live on my retirement pension. It won't be a grand retirement, with me jetsetting around the world or buying new cars (well, ever), but it'll pay the bills. My morale is as low as it can humanly go, I think, without contemplating suicide. I have no desire for that. I just want to be... "free." Free to spend my day how I want, free to sleep late, free from people who are arrogant and stupid. Arrogance I can handle. Stupid, too. It's when they're both that I have trouble. I actually love what I do (programming). If I had a job I really enjoyed, and paid well, I could probably work many more years. But I'd have to not deal with arrogant stupidheads,...