My Corona! (Coronavirus, that is)
No, I don't have it, thankfully. I am also lucky enough to be working from home. Roughly one year and 8 months until I can leave the state, but who's counting. Me. That's who. But working from home is making it more bearable. Although I have found that I work tremendously harder when working from home, as there are very few distractions at home. No doubt my shitty agency will pull me right back in as soon as they possibly can, as they're already monitoring us like crazy... Skype, working via VPN-only, e-mail must be sent in the morning ("morning check-in"), all e-mails, phone calls, and online meetings must be logged, and then a daily status report must be sent at the end of the day that includes all your accomplishments for that day. It's annoying that they feel we must be monitored so heavily, but that's nothing compared to the fact that we were told we would be disciplined if we left the state! Weird, eh? I always thought my...