Life changes

A lot has changed since my last blog post.  I bought a house at the beach (a US beach, unfortunately).  I stepped down from a management role and back into programming.  I got full custody of my daughter, which is definitely better for both her and myself.  Not sure what else.  Probably more, but those are the highlights.  I guess if it were a woman's hair, it will be blonde instead of brown.  Those are pretty significant highlights.  

I'm still on edge about my job.  I feel like I am in hostile territory.  Anyone who has taken a job they regretted and don't know their peers all that well probably understands what I mean.  But that's okay.  I have a significant career milestone coming up on April 1, and an even more significant one next year.  Next year, I should be eligible for retirement about October or November, depending on the amount of sick time I have banked.  So... and this feels weird to say, but my coworker said it about us both so I guess it's okay... next year I retire!

Now, it's not really retirement like you imagine.  I won't be sipping margaritas on the beach come 2022.  I'll just be free of state employment.  I'll probably have to work somewhere else for 2-3 years.  But I will be free.  It will be like my prison sentence is over.  I am anxious and optimistic, but also a little scared.  I haven't been in the private sector for a long time, and my skills aren't what they used to be.  But hey, free is free.  Surely I can make something work for a couple of years.

Oh, and a program I wrote in 2005 for a different employer is being dug out of the closet for use at my new agency.  The last person that did this got a 5% raise, called an "ACE Award."  I won't get it, I am 90% sure.  That is just how some people's luck goes.  But that's okay.  Free is free.


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